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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Best 9 Marketing And Sales Analytics

Sales and marketing analytics are essential to unlocking commercially relevant insights, increasing revenue and profitability, and improving brand perception. With the help of the right analytics, you can uncover new markets, new audience niches, areas for future development
 and much more. Let’s look at what I believe are the best and most important sales and marketing analytics that can help any business grow and succeed. This post builds on my article on the key business analytics tools, which might make good additional background reading.

Unmet need analytics
Business is all about meeting the needs of customers. Unmet need analytics is the process of uncovering whether there are any unmet needs around your product or service or within your market which you could meet to increase customer satisfaction and revenue. Useful tools for unmet need analytics include product reviews, qualitative surveys, focus groups and interviews. You could also use tools like Google Trends to help identify what customers are searching for.
Tip: It is now very cheap and fast to ask your customers questions. Create forums and online focus groups, or invite customers to like your Facebook page and join a feedback group.
Market size analytics
If you don’t understand the size and potential of your market you can easily jump to conclusions about how viable your business proposition is. Market size analytics is the process of working out how large the market is for your products and services, and whether there is sufficient growth potential. The size of the market is measured in terms of volume (how many units sold), value (money spent in that market) or frequency (how often a product or service is sold). Useful data includes government data, trade association data, financial data from competitors, and customer surveys.
Tip: Just because a market is large doesn’t mean it’s profitable – especially if most of the customers that want a particular product or service already have one and are unlikely to want another.
Marketing and Sales Analytics (Source: Shutterstock)
Marketing and Sales Analytics (Source: Shutterstock)
Demand forecasting
Understanding demand is essential in order to remain competitive. Demand forecasting is an area of predictive analytics that seeks to estimate the quantity of a product or service your consumers are likely to buy. It goes beyond educated guesses and looks at historical sales data or current data from test markets. Analytic techniques such as time series analysis can be very useful here.
Tip: The data that you use for demand forecasting must be clean and accurate. If it is not then the results will always be skewed and could lead you down the wrong path.
Market trend analytics
Every business needs to know the direction its market is heading in. Market trend analytics is a process of establishing whether a market is growing, stagnant or in decline and how fast that movement is occurring. Understanding market size is important but knowing whether that market is trending up or down is also vital. To monitor market trends you can run business experiments or scenario analysis to see what the market would look like and how it would impact your business in either a growing, stagnating or growth market. Customer surveys and focus groups can also help.
Tip: Stay mindful of the external environment, such as changes to legislation and social expectations.
Non-customer analytics
Traditionally we’ve been told that we need to understand our customers so that we know what they look like and can find more people like them. And whilst that makes sense there is another group that could be even more important – the non-customer! Non-customer analytics is about understanding what people who are currently not your customers think about your product, services or brand. By identifying who is not buying from you (and why), you can expand your market to include those individuals. If you want to know why people are not buying your product or service, you need to ask them: interviews, questionnaires and focus groups can help.
Tip: It can be remarkably easy to get feedback from people who are not your customers using the power of social media.
Competitor analytics
Your business does not exist in a vacuum. Competitor analytics is important for marketing and strategic planning by identifying who your real competitors are, and how they are positioned in the market and in relation to your business. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses you can identify opportunities to exploit and threats to navigate. There are many ways of gathering competitor data, such as business journals and newspapers, annual reports, product brochures and marketing activity. You could even have an employee, friend or family member buy a product or service from your key competitors and assess their experience.
Tip: The most useful tip for competitor analytics is to do it! Sadly, most businesses don’t.
Pricing Analytics
What if you could find out exactly how much your customers would pay for your product ahead of time? Pricing analytics is the process that delivers that outcome. In short, it involves analysing price sensitivity in market segments and is especially useful in highly competitive markets where everything that can be done has been done. Pricing analytics requires data mining and the development of forecasting models and algorithms. It also often involves multiple, concurrent business experiments that can be run quickly and easily so you can measure what is likely to happen with each price change.
Tip: If you use pricing analytics to improve revenue, make sure you improve the value you add to customers that are paying a little more.
Marketing And Sales Channel Analytics
There are literally hundreds of possible channels and ways to market and sell your products and services. Marketing and sales channel analytics allows you to assess the different channels available to you and establish which are the most effective. It is likely you will reach different segments of your market via different channels but is it still good to know which ones are working and which are less effective. For each of your current marketing and sales channels and any potential as yet unused channels you will need to set some conversion rate goals so you know what you want that channel to deliver.  

Tip: Marketing and sales channel analytics is obviously easier online than offline. Online channels are digital and often the analytics are built into the marketing and sales platforms.
Brand analytics
Brands matter. Brand analytics seeks to determine the strength of your brand compared to your competitors. Your brand is more than just your logo and your commercial livery – it’s the look and feel of your products and what they represent to your customers. It’s important to really understand how customers perceive your brand as this will impact your decision making and strategic direction. You can source this sort of data anywhere your customers and potential customers are discussing your brand, such as customer service conversations, sales conversations, online forums, blogs, review sites, and social media.
Tip: The internet is a rich source of information regarding how people feel about your brand and your business. People love to share so tap into this rich vein of information.

Via Forbes
Analytics Marketing

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Best Email Marketing Software

Best Free Email Marketing Software

Many popular email marketing software programs offer free trials, but few offer full-fledged plans that are completely free. Those that do typically limit the number of contacts to which you can deliver, though this should not be a problem if you're just starting out in email marketing or have a small contacts list. Some email marketing providers restrict the use of certain tools to paid users, though there are a few out there that offer full-featured free plans. The best free email marketing software offers a full range of tools to help make your campaigns a success, along with high contact and email limits. If price is your primary concern when searching for an email marketing solution, it's a good idea to start with the four products listed below.
Benchmark Email
Benchmark Email's Free for Life plan allows you to send up to 10,000 emails per month, which is far more than what some of the other free plans offer. You get access to all of Benchmark Email's extensive array of features, enabling you to create online surveys, use email templates, and track email statistics. All that's needed to sign up is an email and a password, so you could be up and running in just a few minutes. The only problem with Benchmark Email's plan is that you are only allowed to build your contacts list with users who subscribe through your signup form. If you already have a ready-made list of contacts, it can be a big hassle to get them all to subscribe to your Benchmark Email account, and if this is the case for you, it is probably best to choose another company from this list
MailChimp Forever Free plan is great if you have less than 2,000 contacts. You can send up to 12,000 emails per month completely free, and you will never have to worry about your plan expiring. A credit card is not necessary to sign up, and you can cancel your account at any time. If you decide to upgrade later on, you can do so easily right from your account. Although MailChimp's free email marketing plan gives you access to the majority of their tools, certain functionalities like autoresponders and spam filter diagnostics are unavailable without an upgrade. All email campaigns delivered through the Forever Free plan will have MailChimp's badge in their footers, though this, too, can be removed with a simple upgrade.

VerticalResponse Free plan enables you to send up to 4,000 emails per month and store up to 1,000 contacts. This isn't as many as MailChimp and Benchmark Email offer, but if you don't send high volumes of emails, this plan could still be a good fit for you. An autoresponder tool is included free for a limited time and you can create an unlimited amount of signup forms. You also have the option to connect one Facebook and one Twitter account, which is great if you want to keep up with your contacts on social media. No credit card is required to get started, and if you find you outgrow this plan, you can always update to VerticalResponse's monthly or pay-as-you-go plans.
Email Marketing Softwares

Friday, February 19, 2016

SEO and Marketing Myths

Here are some of the myths you need to move beyond to get smarter about SEO.
Myth 1: Metatag Descriptions Help Your Rankings
Not anymore; in fact, metatags are no longer even indexed by Google and Bing. But don't ignore them altogether: Your metatags form the text that is displayed along with your link in the search results--and a more compelling description will compel more users to click on your listing instead of on others.
Here's example of ours; the metatag is everything below the URL.
Myth 2: The More Inbound Links, the Better
False. In all the recent updates to Google's algorithm, the search giant has made it a core priority to have quality trump quantity. Gone are the days of having thousands of superlow-quality links driving up rankings; in fact, creating those links can look spammy and get your site penalized.
Focus on obtaining links from sites that are relevant to your products, services, or industry--and on having those links be surrounded by relevant text. A blog review about your "blue widget" that links to your site is far more valuable than a rogue link for "blue widget" stuck in the footer or sidebar of some site--even a highly ranked one.

Myth 3: PageRank Still Matters
Google's infamous PageRank (named after Google co-founder and now-CEO Larry Page, mind you) is a 1-to-10 ranking of the overall authority of every website; the bigger the number, the higher the rank. In years past, this seemingly all-powerful number dominated the attention of SEO experts.
But today, Google's algorithm has evolved well beyond any single indicator. The PageRank still exists, and if all things are equal, a higher PageRank trumps a lower one--but factors such as relevance and context matter, too.
As with inbound links: If you run a dental practice in Los Angeles, it's better to have a link from a site that reviews doctors and dentists in L.A., even if it has a PageRank of 4, than to have a paid link with no context in a huge site with a higher PageRank of 7. 
Myth 4: Google Prefers Keyword-Rich Domains
In years past, Google seemed to put a disproportionate amount of emphasis on keywords in the domain name (what you may think of as the URL). For example, would almost certainly be ranked first in a search for vinyl house siding.
Not anymore, says Google. If is in fact the more relevant, authoritative site on the topic, it will probably still rank first--but not because of its domain name alone.
Myth 5: Websites Must Be 'Submitted' to Search Engines
In 2001, yes, this was the case--indeed, this was the first service that my company, Wpromote, ever provided. But in 2012? Not at all. At this point, if there is anyconnection from any site to yours, your site will be quickly discovered by Google.
Note that being indexed is a far cry from achieving high rankings--but that initial step of submission is no longer needed or helpful.
Myth 6: Good SEO Is Basically About Trickery
False, false, false. Although there are still some SEO experts out there who go about their business trying to "trick Google," this is absolutely not the way to provide good, lasting SEO.
Good SEO is about creating a relevant, informative website, with unique content and great user experience, and encouraging the sharing and distribution of great content to drive organic publicity and links back to your site.
In the end, this is exactly what Google explicitly wants to reward with high rankings--so it is anything but "tricking" the search engines.
I'm planning to dive into other online marketing topics in the future, to find the biggest myths--so if you've got suggestions, please weigh in below

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Best Examples of Awesome Email Marketing Campaigns 2016

Best Email Marketing Campaign Examples

 1) PayPal

There are a couple things we love about this email example from PayPal. Not only is the opening copy clever and concise, but the entire concept also reflects a relatable benefit of using the service. Think about it: How many times have you been in a situation where you went out to dinner with friends and then fussed over the bill when it came time to pay? By tapping into this common pain point, PayPal is able to pique the interest of its audience. 

2) ModCloth 

Great companies are always evolving, and your customers expect to experience change. What they don't expect (because too many companies haven't lived up to this end of the bargain) is to be told about those changes. That said, this email from ModCloth serves as a refreshing change of pace. If you're going to change the way you communicate with a lead or customer, give them clear, fair warning so, if they aren't on board, they can make the necessary adjustments to keep their inbox clean.
ecommerce email marketing

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3) Tory Burch

Did you see that? Did you see it move? Pretty cool, right? This small bit of animation helps to separate this email from Tory Burch from all of the immobile emails in their recipient's inboxes. They also leverage exclusivity by framing the promotion as a "private" sale. Often times, this type of positioning makes the recipient feel like they're specially chosen, which encourages them to take advantage of the special opportunity they've been presented with. 

4) Zipcar

This example sample comes courtesy of my coworker who started signing up for Zipcar, got busy, and had to abandon the form. As a result, the email calls her back to the website with some lighthearted copy that nudges her in the right direction, and also reminds her of the value of using Zipcar -- being economical and helping the planet.
If your site visitors are abandoning shopping carts or landing pages, use your email marketing in this way to remind them they have some unfinished business on your website!
zipcar abandonment email

5) RunKeeper

RunKeeper makes an effort to reengage lost users with this friendly, informational email. By highlighting their app's most recent changes and benefits, the copy works to entice recipients to give the app another chance. Small inclusions like the "Hi friend" greeting and the "You rock" closing makes the content feel welcoming and less aggressive. 

6) Litmus

Here's another great example from Litmus of animation being used to create more interesting email marketing design. Unlike static text, the swipe motion used to provide recipients with a look "under the hood" of their email tool is eye-catching and encourages you to take a deeper dive into the rest of the content. Not to mention the header does an excellent job of explicitly stating what this email is about.

7) Loft

This email from Loft aims to demonstrate their understanding of your crazy, mixed-value inbox. In an effort to provide you with emails that you actually want to open, Loft asks that their recipients update their preferences to help them deliver a more personalized experience. This customer-focused email is super effective in making the recipient feel like their likes, dislikes, and opinions actually matter. 

8) UncommonGoods 

You've heard it a million times (and a few thousand of those times may have been from us): You should create a sense of urgency with your calls-to-action. That's what makes a lead take action, right? Well, this email from UncommonGoods succeeds in creating a sense of urgency by focusing on the value of acting now. 
Instead of saying, "Order your Mother's Day gift NOW before Preferred Shipping ends!", this email asks, "Don't you think Mom would've liked a faster delivery?" Why yes, she would. Thank you for reminding me before it's too late -- I don't want to be in the dog house because my gift arrived after Mother's Day.
uncommon goods email marketing

9) JetBlue

Confession: We have a serious email marketing crush on JetBlue. And they continue to deliver their lovable marketing in this cheeky email campaign that aims to humorously reengage customers. Every element from the header, to the three witty points, to the actionable, contrasting CTA work together to create a lovable campaign that's promotional without being pushy. 

10) Bonobos

It's simple: If you want people to engage with your emails, give them a reason to do so. This clean, minimalistic, and easy-to-click email campaign from Bonobos creates an interactive experience that encourages the recipient to take action.
The structure of this email aims to cater to those who don't have time to waste scrolling through pages of shorts that may or may not be in stock in their size. By providing a direct pathway to what they're looking for, Bonobos creates a seamless online shopping experience.

11) Amazon Local

This email from Amazon Local is short and sweet, with just one CTA: click through this email to tell Amazon what you like and dislike. That way, the deals they send you going forward can be more in line with what you're likely to actually want. What's wonderful about this experience is not just that they asked, but also how consistent the experience is from email to landing page. Take a look at the email below, and the landing page that follows.
amazon local email marketing
Notice how the language in the email above, "like" and "dislike," mirrors the language in the buttons below? This is a simple way to get feedback from your email recipients to provide more personalized offers in their inbox, thus increasing the chance of a high clickthrough and offer redemption rate.
amazon local deal preferences

12) Focus Pointe Global

Focus Pointe Global provides focus groups so regular businesses can get some meaty market research. While research is known for being a little complicated, this email is impressively simple. All of the information you need to know to determine whether you want to participate is called out in bold, and extremely short explanatory copy follows it.
What is the survey about? What do I get for taking it? How long will it take? Where can I begin? You can figure this all out pretty immediately. All emails should aim to provide such clear instruction.
focus pointe copywriting and cta email

13) Harpoon Brewery

My friends at Harpoon are so thoughtful, aren't they? This simple, timely email really does feel like it's coming from a friend, which is why it's so effective. In an age of email automation, it's easy for email campaigns to feel a little robotic. And while I'm certain that this email was, in fact, automated, it feels really human.
If you're looking to strengthen the relationship you have with your existing customers, consider taking the time to set up a quick email like this to let them know you're thinking of them. 

14) Bonafide

HubSpot customer Bonafide uses this email in one of its lead nurturing email series, and it's a great example of a principle so many email marketers forget. Your inbox recipients don't always remember who you are! 
Take a look at the callout in orange -- the first paragraph of this email tells the reader why they are being contacted. With the amount of inbox overload we all suffer, reminders of this nature are critical to preventing deletions and unsubscribes. 

15) Rip Curl

That's quite powerful, wouldn't you agree? Rip Curl, an Australian surfing sportswear retailer, combines urgency and our psychological need to be part of something to create an email headline that jumps off the page. This positioning is designed to lead people to believe that there's a "revolution" taking place and it's their turn to get in on the action. At the end of the day, people want to be part of something that's bigger than themselves, and this email aims to motivate them to do so by purchasing this sleek watch.

16) J.Crew Factory

For many of us, when it comes to wrapping gifts, the struggle is real. J.Crew Factory recognized this problem, and then created this email to serve as a solution for those incapable of pulling off a Pinterest-esque wrap job: gift cards. The email offers up two different says to pick up a gift card -- in store or online -- in an effort to avoid excluding anyone. 
They've also included a map of the nearest store location at the end of the email to lower the purchasing barrier even further. 
There are hundreds of other examples of excellent email marketing. Share some of your favorite campaigns in the comments
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Monday, February 15, 2016

What is a transactional email ?

Transactional emails are sent to one person as a result of an action triggered by the user. These are automated notifications such as welcome emails, shipping notices, order confirmations, password reminders, purchase receipts, etc. These emails are so important and give users peace of mind in knowing that their transactions have been processed properly.
There are different types of emails and understanding these terminologies are very important to comply with the emailing regulations.

They are categorized as:

1. “Bulk”, “Marketing”, “Commercial” emails
Bulk, Marketing, Commercial emails are sent in bulk (traditionally referred to as email blast) to family, friends, subscribers and customers such as party invitations, group messages, forwarded messages, announcements, newsletters, promotions, marketing tools and tips, classified ads, and direct email marketing campaigns. These emails contain commercial messages such as advertisements, requests for business, or sales or donation solicitation to help build customer loyalty, trust in a product or company or brand recognition.

2. “Transactional” emails
Transactional emails are sent to one person as a result of an action triggered by the user. These are automated notifications such as welcome emails, shipping notices, order confirmations, password reminders, purchase receipts, etc. These emails are so important and give users peace of mind in knowing that their transactions have been processed properly.
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Free Email Blast Software Email Blaster

What Free Email Blast Software: Email Blaster ??
Direct marketing has gained a new face with email blast software. This software enables you to view real responses from the recipient. You also get to stay in contact with your consumers by updating them about different promotions, new information, and other relevant information. Email blast software free is simple to use. Not only do you not have to pay for this tool, but it will get subscribers in the loop others are not in. You will notice a significant change in responses after implementing this option.

Main Aspects of Email Blast Software

The best email blast software provides features for free allowing you to create marketing campaigns with a professional aura. By directly marketing your consumers with email they want to read it attracts a positive response helping to increase your reader list. The software enables users to create messages in HTML, text messages, and alert subscribers when anything new is happening. All the while you use the double opt-in to confirm they wish to receive emails from you. Here are some of the features of email blast software:
  • Four sending modes enabling successful and high quality campaigns
  • Send 20,000 emails in one hour
  • View reports regarding opens, clicks, and unsubscribe
  • Detailed reports on sending
  • Import and export ease for internal and external databases
  • Accurate and powerful contact management
  • International character usage including HTML template and full text options

CAN-SPAM Act Violations

The CAN-SPAM Act was started in 2003 in order to limit spam reaching consumers. For businesses sending legitimate emails it has become harder to send emails without ending up in the spam box. Luckily with email blast software free download you have less to worry about. If someone decides to not subscribe to your email list just make certain to update your email blast software. People will change their mind for one reason or another. To avoid violating the act keep up with it and use email software to automatically update.

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